"The world is but a blank canvas to the imagination."
~Henry David Thoreau

Monday, January 11, 2010

My Earliest Poems


The ocean is a whole new world
waiting to be discovered
No one knows
except the ocean's creatures
what treasures wait inside
With parades of fish
and a sea of salt water
the ocean is like the sky
"Why do they stay here?"
the sand might ask
"Because we must stay together,"
the ocean replies
and crashed against the sand
whispering stories about its life

"The Tiger"

The tiger jumps down from the hill
His hope
and lands in a sea of roses
His unhappiness
and scampers away from his dreams

Fishes swim down Moonstone creek
ignoring the treasure that most long to seek
The crabs look underneath rocks
Everyone is silent, no one talks
Dragonflies soar, looking up above
A small green branch is carried by a dove
They finally give up, toads and one gup
when the sunset brings sorrow 'till tomorrow

"Up in the Hopeful Sky"

Up in the hopeful sky
cloud women dance
Doves fly with graceful speed
The horses stomp and prance
But farther up
stars twinkle bright
when the moon shows its face
to say "Good night"

*I wrote these poems in 5th grade.

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